Security Consulting For The Built Environment

At Secured Projects we believe any deployed security measure must be commensurate with the risk, therefore we offer our time and expertise to ensure security schemes meet and exceed your brief and expectations. Our services range from stage 2 Threat & Risk assessments including BREEAM HEA 06 Security Needs Assessments and all the way to stage 7 in use.

About Our Founder John Lyons MSyl MIET CTSP

“I am career security professional, with over 30 years served within the security industry. I am a strong generalist with a bias towards security within the built environment. My career has taken me across sectors, from critical national infrastructure to landmark developments, complex in-use projects and data centres. I have continued to improve my knowledge and experience, I have served as an installation/commissioning engineer, through project/account management, client side and on to consultancy roles. I am experienced in delivering schemes across the RIBA stages from stage 2 concept to stage 6 handover and beyond into stage 7 in-use. I believe in a pragmatic approach to risk treatment and mitigations and that consultancy must include the client’s needs in the creation of proportionate employer requirements and on to achievable operational deliverables. 

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Lets Do Something Different

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Traditional security design doesn't work for every situation, its often seen as rigid and inflexible by clients and other members of a design team. So let us help you shake security up so it enhances and doesn't hinder you and your functionality. 

Lets protect in a different way...

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